Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oh Good Grief

Apparently the latest scientific evidence that is making people pro-life is that science has proven that "Human DNA exists at conception"--excuse me while I go bury my head in a barrel of DUH!

Anyone whose been in a biology class knows that daddy donates 1 chromosome and mommy donates 1 chormosome and when the two cells combine into one, a new cell with baby's DNA is formed. It's never been an issue that that cell has human DNA--what were they expecting? Dog? Cat? Chinchilla?!?

The real issue is when the fertilized egg is considered "alive". Plan B works by not allowing the fertilized egg attach itself to the uterus. But I'm not here to discuss when life starts.

But if you've read my stuff on the issue, you know that I'm pro-choice but anti-abortion. I'm pro- contraception including Plan B. I wouldn't have an abortion, but I cannot in any way convince myself that I can make that decision for another person. Since I can't make that decision for a person, how can I support laws that do it?

I also don't believe that making it illegal will stop abortions from happening, so it seems a waste of time to fight over what's legal or not instead of actually addressing the problem's that cause unwanted pregnancies.

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