Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Speaker Boehner

"Why do we always have to allow elections to get in the way of doing the right thing?"

Good question Mr. Speaker. Why did Republican Senator Tom Coburn not come out and say that the mega-rich should pay more in taxes until  after he decided to retire? Why did Dick Cheney not come out in support of gay marriag until he was retired? Why do so many members of Congress continue to suppress a bill to reel in Congressional pensions?

Mr. Speaker, you talk a good talk, but you don't walk the walk. The debt ceiling crisis will once again NOT be dealt with until the last minute. But good job trying to get the Democrats on board to counter-act that "suicide pact", as Jon Stewart called it, where Reps. agreed to sacrifice the military and Dems. sacrificed the social programs if they couldn't agree to other necessary spending cuts--apparently we're just going to cut the social programs.

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