Friday, May 25, 2012

To What Extent...

is covering the news covered by other news stations news? 'Cuz I get annoyed whenever Fox News tells me what stories weren't covered by "liberal media" or emphasizes the fact that the liberal news spent an excessive amount of time on one story while neglecting other stories instead of just telling me the story and being done with it.

I'm intelligent. I watch all the major news channels (well, not CNN or MSNBC, but then, I'm not a glutton for punishment--I like clips so that I can pick and choose what I watch) so that I can get a good sense of what's going on in the world. I KNOW when I see a story being covered days after I saw it on some other outlet. So does my dad when he reads something in the paper that doesn't make the television news for 3 or 4 days (he doesn't read as many papers or watch as much television news as me--just the local paper, the local news and the evenening news (the later two are usually ABC affiliate, but sometimes we watch NBC). We don't need someone to tell us when something is or isn't covered and it makes it look like they have an agenda against the other outlet.

Much like when one of the local news stations found out that a couple Pilot employees were mugged a month before but were never published as news so they implied that there was a cover-up. As the Pilot said, "people get mugged everyday, why should this mugging be treated any differently? It's not like there was any sensitive documents taken."

I haven't gone back to Fox News to see if there's been a follow up on the flesh-eating bacteria. A couple weeks ago I was annoyed by the article because there didn't seem to be any reason for it--not even an analysis of how often someone contracts the bacteria or a warning on how to avoid it. A few days after I saw the story on Fox, it was aired on the "liberal media" (I'm not sure which one). I didn't watch it to see if they gave any analysis, but I did take notice that since then, there have been 2 more articles on flesh-eating bacteria. Even if the "liberal media" half-assed it like Fox did, at least they're showing more than one example to emphasize that this isn't a once in a lifetime event. Feel free to share examples of Fox going more in depth with the story, I'd be interested to see them.

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