Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baboons Can Identify Words

This is really cool, but I'm somewhat concerned.

The study is putting a computer in front of baboons and asking them to identify correctly spelled words verses a random jumble of letters. The baboons have shown themselves to choose correctly 75% of the time.

My concern is that the examples shown in the clip I'm watching are all of English words. Since this is just a 3 minute clip, I cannot begin to judge whether the study includes foreign words, though I guess I could argue that since the baboons are learning to read from scratch, the process of learning isn't dependant on the language used. They're identifying correct words given the rules they've picked up during the initial phases--not creating new rules to be able to identify that tener is a real word. Which is amazing in itself.

'Course the real question is how would a human child do on the test? Could a 1 year old do equally well?

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