Monday, May 14, 2012

Facebook Exec. "Defriending America"

Hahahaha, wow. So apparently it's "ungrateful" for an American to give up his citizenship, but perfectly okay for a Swiss? Because I don't see the "lame-stream media" hounding Bachmann for taking the time to first find out if she has Swiss citizenship (through her husband) before publically "defriending" them. Aren't we just a lovely bunch of hypocrits.

**Edit (I wanted to edit this a half hour ago, but blogger wanted to be stupid.)

Okay--so the problem isn't that he's denouncing his citizenship, but that he's doing it to avoid paying US taxes. Apparently one person is happy that he's drawing attention to overtaxation in the US. As you can imagine, I think that that's the stupidest statement I've ever heard.

I actually am appreciating the opposite. I think that he's doing a great job to show how easy it is for money to be made in the US and still avoid taxes. My dad likes to talk about how oil companies have a P.O. Box in another country that they use as the main address even though they drill in the US, letting them pay less in taxes. And it's not just countries that act as tax havens--ever wonder why Delaware has the most "businesses" per capita? It's because by using a small office there as the home office, they can cut their tax responsibility. Amazon won't build a processing plant in VA until our state government says that they can be tax exempt for like 5 years.

So anyone who is complaining about this "exec." (apparently he wasn't that important for the company) for doing exactly what many corporations do. Because remember, Corporations are people, too.

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