Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Catholic Lawsuit Against Birth Control

I don't buy the argument that religions shouldn't have to cover birth control for everyone in their employment. There is NO debate on the fact that 99% of woman use birth control of some sort. So if the women working are using it, why shouldn't they (and the men in their congregation) pay for it? I can understand that they're fighting against the fact that the government is "mandating" it, but the women should be standing up and saying that while they don't like how it's happened, they want their insurance to cover it. Period.

I can't understand why a nun who uses birth control to help with her period would stand up and say "No, I don't want my insurance to pay for it." In fact, I don't think that any nun or any other female working for a religious organization who uses birth control has stood up and said that. Actually, I'm pretty sure that nuns have been silenced by their male counterparts for trying to speak out on this. I DO know that a certain law student who uses school insurance since it's all she can afford was chastised for daring to speak out on the subject.

It isn't fair that Viagra is covered while The Pill isn't. Period. And if you have a problem with me feeling that way, feel free to share. 

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