Sunday, May 20, 2012

Legalizing Prostitution as Legalizing Abuse Against Women

I don't buy that argument. How is it abusive against women if it's the woman's choice to sell her body?

If women are being protected from being beaten, being allowed to decide when and where and with whom they will work, and all that jazz, how is that hurting women? Legalizing it would stop it from being run by criminals who just want to use and abuse a woman to make a profit.

I'm not saying that I'd be particularly happy if my daughter told me that she wanted to be a prostitute, but if it were legal, I wouldn't worry as much. Since I don't have a daughter, but I do have a heart, I project my feelings onto all women who are forced into the occupation because they feel that they cannot do anything else or who actually want such an occupation.

We're putting a "band-aid" onto the problem when we make it illegal. Just like anti-abortion laws are a band-aid. We aren't stopping the practice by making it illegal, so shouldn't we legalize it and regulate it and let society take charge as to how it is done? Proponents of capitalism would say that if there isn't a market, there isn't a business. If there wasn't a market for prostitution...or abortions...they would no longer exist. Only society can change society--government and laws cannot.

And I argue that these laws make it easier for the "immoralities" to remain because those who want the "problem" to go away think that the band-aid will do the trick. They spend all their energy fighting in Congress to pass laws that they really know nothing at all about (trans-vaginal ultrasounds) when they could spend the time out in the public, addressing the problems up front: Helping women get out from under their pimp, handing out contraception, talking to teen girls about the realities of teen pregnancy, or counselling drug addicts to help them recover.

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