Monday, April 16, 2012

"Stand Your Ground"

I haven't commented yet on the Trayvon Martin case because I haven't felt that it's my place to do so. But after listening to what the NRA had to say on the Today show this week. They apparently want to expand the "Stand Your Ground" laws. I have a problem with Zimmerman's probable defense--that it was self denfense because he was standing his ground. Well, honey, wasn't Martin standing his ground when he defended himself from a man that was following him? If the NRA had their way, Martin would have been carrying a gun himself and the situation would have been reversed with Zimmerman as the dead man...and then we wouldn't care because it'd be just another case of a "rogue black man killing someone."

All shootings should be investigated fully. I support any and all "Castle" laws because when someone decides to enter another's home unwelcomed and warned, then it's their own fault for getting shot. But I think that we should encourage people to do like the woman did a few months ago: she was on the phone with 911 when she warned the men she shot, repeatedly that she had a gun and was going to use it.

But outside of the home, there's no real way to know what was happening when the shooting happened. The gunman can lie, so there needs to be an investigation in all cases. It seems to me that the police used the law to be lax in their investigation, which is a severe problem.

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