Sunday, April 22, 2012

Firelight (Hallmark Hall of Fame)

One of my penpals told me that one of her favorite websites is a "bloggy" thing about Christian women who are against feminism. And then there is the Pope who want to crack down on Nuns in America who are getting too feminist in their ways. In reading that blog, it's obvious that these women have no idea what real feminism is.

It's not a bunch of wild women burning their bras, sleeping around, and acting like heathens, which is what they seem to think. Yes, those are symbols, but for the most part, they're pointless and most feminist women will say that while it's our RIGHT to do such things, they don't make us CEOs or whatever our hearts desire are.

Real feminism is what's portrayed in this show--strong women able to do for themselves without a man. Real feminism takes the life that those Christian women want and makes it practical. Having a loving husband, taking care of loved children, but only when we choose, not because it's expected of us. And doing what we want because we CAN, not being forced to act in a certain way because that's what's expected of us.

One of the biggest complaints you can read in the comments section is that these women are teaching their daughters to be servants to their husbands. They're automatic defense is that they aren't servants, but partners where the husband has the ultimate say (debate that as you wish). But first and foremost, they say that they would support whatever life choices that their daughters make. If that is true, then those mothers are the biggest feminists in the world--because if their daughter came up to them and said that she's going to be the next President of the US, then that mother is going to do everything in her power to make sure that it happens.

Again, debate amongst yourselves as to whether these mothers are serious about their commitment to supporting their daughters decisions--the last article I read was on how mothers should teach their...children or was it just daughters? not follow their dreams, but to follow what Jesus wants them to do. My argument, and one many women agreed with, was that how can a human (who most Christians will agree are sinful and flawed) can sit there and tell their child that their dreams AREN'T sent by God.

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