Monday, April 2, 2012


GCB just showed me which way they're choosing to lean! And it was a brilliant, laugh out loud, punch the shark on the nose masterpiece of comic glory. In the case of sending Sharon's son to a new boarding school after he was expelled from the last one with sleeping with the wrong girl (he seems to have too high a sex drive for these Christian ladies) he agains is caught with someone's daughter--Cricket's. So, during the climatic fight where the "children" are repremanded, Cricket comes out and says that she's heard that Alaska is a good place to send him and that there's an excellent abstinance program at the one in Wasilla.

For those of you not in the know, Wasilla is where Sarah Palin was mayor and we all know about her daughter Bristol.

hahahahaha. I think this just made my week.

Edit: 4-3-12

I was watching my back issues of the Today Show and apparently Sarah Palin co-hosted this morning (for some reason my videos aren't queueing as fast as they normally do today, so hopefully I can watch them tomorrow) and yesterday she called to check in. Matt Lauer, being my hero in many ways, decided to poke some fun at her expense, asking how she was preparing for the 'event'--reading any newspapers? I nearly died. Why yes, he was poking fun for no other reason to poke fun. Why yes, he did say something that probably hurt her feelings. And why yes, he picked something that those of us who care too much about politics could laugh at too. Will she go on her blog (or Fox News) next week and cry foul? Hells yes. Do I care? No, not at all. If I went out into public and claimed that I read newspapers and then couldn't name them when asked, I'd expect someone to bring it up years later. Here's the difference: I know how to call BRAIN FART when and where it happens. I do it all the time, usually right in the middle of a sentence. I'm no 54 seconds of Rick Perry then try to play it off. I'm a good old "Crap--what in the world was I saying?" girl. Ask me again in 5 minutes. Anybody who's walked into a room to either say or get something knows exactly what I'd be talking about--no harm, no foul.

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