Friday, April 13, 2012

Robert Kennedy

I cannot believe that that man is trying to make his case look like he's a good dad just doing the right thing. Jerk!

For those who don't know, he's going to court because he assaulted two nurses who tried to stop him when he attempted to take his 3 day old son out of the hospital without proper permission.

He gave a press conference yesterday and didn't even address the serious issue of babies being kidnapped from hospitals because of nurses who assumed that the person carrying the child past them had permission. In a world where the complaint is that there are too few nurses working too many hours and are making too many mistakes, shouldn't a parent be THANKING each and every nurse that asks if the person has permission to remove the child?

My dad told me that fathers aren't even offered a wristband like mothers have. If to many fathers are inconvienced by nurses asking the same questions, then maybe this could be an alternative, though the mother should be the one to decide whether he gets a band or not. But my dad said that he never had a problem because he only took me and my brother through the halls when he was also walking with my mom. And yes--the nurses would periodically match mother to baby via the bracelets.

I hope that Kennedy gets the biggest punishment possible to send a message to stupid, and dare I say arrogant, fathers (and really anyone else) who think they are above these rules. They may seem like stupid rules when you aren't the one breaking them, but if someone tried to abduct your child you'd be thanking the nurses who otherwise were 'annoying' you.

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