Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Priviledged Information

I'm watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey and this chaos between Theresa and her brother brings me to Lesson in B.S. #3043--if anyone ever says "this needs to stay between you and me" you need to turn around immediately and walk away. Just walk away. And you need to teach your children especially this lesson because we all know that Pedofiles always start out by saying "don't tell your parents...they won't understand", etc.

I hold the "definition of pornography" very close to my heart. You know, the one that says "I know it when I see it". Secrets are the same way. Don't share anything you don't want blabbed across the country and don't surround yourself with people you know can't keep a secret. When you quit trying, you will meet people who you can trust. People who instintively know what is a secret that should be kept and which are better told.

If you care to know about me, my rule is that if I think you should be telling the other responsible party rather than me, I'm going to tell you that. And if I know the other person and suspect that they'll talk to me about the issue, I'm going to tell you the truth that I will discuss my interpretation of the problem from your perspective. I instintively play devil's advocate so I never take the side of whomever I'm speaking no matter what. I hope that doesn't make me come across as fake, so it's a good thing I don't have a reality tv show. But on the flip-side, I don't spread rumors. I know that there are some secrets that should be kept (like who likes who--I spent my teens getting burned whenever I revealed a crush--I think that's why I'm so repressed now. So yeah, I hope there's a special place in Hell for those people who tease their "friends" and family about who their crush is. But I digress.) and I would NEVER spread something secret worthy to anyone but the directly involved parties.

The problem with the Housewives is that the majority of them seem to magically think that the girls who hurt them once won't hurt them again. They try to hard to be friends or something.

But this leads directly into the primary problem between Theresa and her brother--should a husband and wife be allowed to share everything in cofidence? The answer is a resounding yes. And in the specific case of them? Make that a HELLZ YES. If you tell your brother that you think his wife is cheating on him, you should EXPECT him to go tell her that. Otherwise you sound like a whiny little bitch who doesn't like her sister-in-law and doesn't want to discuss the reasons why she doesn't like her. What did Theresa expect? That he'd take his sister's word blindly and divorce her? Really? But then there is not one instance I can think of where I agreed with Theresa on an issue. She is self-centered and never wrong according to herself. Of all the housewives, she has not one redeeming quality. And to think that I didn't like Caroline at first.

And this is why I like the Real Housewives--it's like free therapy of what NOT to do.

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