Friday, April 15, 2011

What Proof do You Need?

It always amazes me that with so much scientific proof of common issues there is so much disbelief. So, I pose this question to those of you who don't believe...what proof do you need?

What evidence, once obtained, will convince you of the existence of evolution, that the climate is changing, that humans can affect the climate, that we've been to the moon, that Obama was born in Hawaii, whatever.

My history thesis focuses on how the Union was unable to express to otherwise Union loving Norfolkians that they really weren't a bunch of heinous abolitionist's intent on the destruction of the Southern way of least in what resolutions they were passing. We as scientists (I'm an envi sci major, too), understand that there's a disconnect between our findings and public understanding and Al Gore doesn't really help this. Hence the existence of TED Talks. But here's one more way. It's possible that scientists just haven't been looking at the same questions/problems that bother you, since they seem obvious to us. So, what bothers you. What questions should they be askin? What proof do you need?

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