Sunday, April 3, 2011

On School Uniforms

I had an interesting conversation with a friend last week about whether school uniforms should be mandatory. Her main argument is that clothes are a form of expression and using her sister's dissertation on the subject, said that if kids can't self express with clothing, then they will express in other, more dangerous, ways (drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc). I believe that the safety issue trumps any kind of self expression, especially when there are other forms of expression available to students.

I argue that the most important aspect of school uniforms is that they are totally uniform: from the same brand and style of shirt and pants right down to the socks and shoes. For safety's sake, I believe that clothing must fit. But I couldn't care less about style. So I offer this compromise: students are issued their uniforms and then are free to express themselves as they wish with them. They may not add bandannas or other gang related paraphernalia, but if they want to cut off sleeves or pant legs, feel free. If someone really cares enough about their gang to bedazzle the sign on the back of their blazer, they can go for it.

But not all kids care to express themselves with clothes, which is why I'm such a proponent for the arts in schools--music, physical education/sports teams, drama, you name it. Heck, even a sewing club. Then there are the students who express themselves with academics.

I believe in well rounded students, but there are some things that an individual will just love and excel at and I think we need to start focusing our education system on finding these things and feeding them in a productive manner.

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