Monday, April 11, 2011

Tonight/tomorrow morning isn't going to be fun

No, nothing really great to say in this post. In fact, I probably shouldn't even write it. But since I'm stuck writing my thesis (25 pages, history, on the civil war) and can't write a letter to express my thoughts and since no body reads this anyway, I feel safe expressing myself here. And you might even learn a medical trick or two...

I have drunk way too much water over the past few days and today. Why? You might ask. Well, start out with my period and add a cold.

I'd never realized it until I was talking with a girl friend about being incredibly thirsty even though there was no reason for it, that there was a coorelation between my thirst and my period. Actually, I can tell you from now 5 months experience that if you haven't noticed this before, you really should go with it. I've found that drinking a TON of water during the first day(s) of my period really help with the cramps. I don't know if it's a full bladder adding the right amount of pressure to the right areas or just the extra water helps flush out all the crud faster--though given the nature of human anatomy, I'm not sure how well the latter explanation works. Anyway, if you're a guy (and I haven't already scared you off) and your girlfriend is in a similar situation, don't just bring her some Midol, but also a liter of water for her to nurse while you watch a favorite movie. It might help her feel better.

The cold adds to the situation because I've been told by numerous health-nut friends that when you're sick you should drink a(nother, in my case) TON of water. This seems to work, so here I am a few days past the need for menstral water (that actually sounds gross) and I'm still chugging the stuff. I told myself to drink 4 bottles of water today (totalling about 2 liters), though I've only made it through about half that amount (not including 3 tall glasses of orange juice).

For the most part the conversion from water to urine has been slow--caused, I suspect, by that whole water weight gain from my period. Well, I just went twice in 2 hours, and I don't expect it to stop any time soon as my body releases what it's been storing and making me look extra fat. At least it's been hot in here/I probably have a low grade fever, so I've been sweating a lot yesterday and today so that's some water that won't be sending me running for the bathroom. All I want is to not wake up at 3am with an insatible need to pee.

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