Monday, November 30, 2009

China or England?

is a culture which has been heavily influenced and run by the methodology that everything must be done to keep anarchy from occurring?


England in 1660 when they reinstated the King with Charles II was a country where moderation only became the norm because they did not want the Civil War to happen again. There were NUMEROUS religious factions which would like nothing more than for English law to insist that the one religion of England be Puritan, whether it be Quaker, Leveler, or some other dissenting Protestant sect.

China in the 20th century was one in which a tyrannical government was preferred. Every time demonstrations occurred, all Hell broke loose and chaos was the norm. The Chinese do not like chaos, they are traditionally a society of order, and with 1+ billion citizens, any chaos results in the death of millions of people and a disruption in the entire economic system. It is better to give up freedoms than fear death from overzealous neighbors. At least the government is calculated risk--you know that if you speak badly of Mao you will be killed, not like with the neighbors of which you can never be sure which statement will get you beheaded.

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