Sunday, March 4, 2012

New favorite "quote"

"There were some things that no man wanted to hear under any circumstance. One, that he’d lost his testicles in battle. Two, that he’d lost his testicles to a fluke injury. Three, that he’d caught some disease that interfered with his ability to perform as a man. And most of all four, that the father of the woman, who was one of the most powerful men in all of Christendom, was at the gate of the home where he’d just violated the man’s daughter without the sanctity of marriage. Four was guaranteed to cost him not just his testicles, but the rest of his internal organs as the king ordered them scraped from inside him while he was still alive enough to feel it. " --The Warrior by Kinley MacGregor (men sure seem to be attached to their testicles, hahaha)

P.S. As I finish this book and the series, I'm thinking about how sch-mooth Sherrilyn Kenyon is when it comes to bridging her novels into one world. I know that the revelation in the epilogue pointedly states that he belongs in the Dark Hunters world. I'm not sure if I agree with the fans on her website (another very smart move--she states in the books that the Dark Hunters use the domain to correspond with each other, a convienient way to steer fans of the books to her website) that he deserves his own book--I think that 90% of The Warrior was made up to make Lochlan a tragic character. No where in the previous books are there any hints of the abuse his father is accused of--all that we know is that he cheated on his wife once and paid penance for that by neglecting his bastard son--which makes him one kind of bastard, but how could there have been no hints of the many bastards he must have fathered, plus the physical abuse of women? Kieran's disappearance, while it did hint at being more than it seemed, seemed too much like an after-thought for my liking.

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