Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I'm digging this show. I like that it so blatently shows some of the hypocracies that exist within the Christian faith. I've heard that some Christians are upset by the show, but they really shouldn't. I mean, if they don't believe that these types of people exist, then they're deluded, and it promotes true Christian values, which shouldn't be judged by how well one knows the Bible, whether or not they work at Hooters, and what crimes are in their past/their husband's past. I think it's a good ice breaker in the discussion of just what a "Good Christian Woman" is....and who the real bitches are.

P.S. Annie Potts looks amazing! She was on The View last week about the show and said that she's 60 and hinted at maybe using plastic surgery, but honestly, it doesn't show at all. She looks 40 if she's a day and wow. I'm blaming the curves--I honestly think that the reason most of hollywood don't look as good as she does is because they're too skinny--it makes their wrinkles stand out more. I'd even say that Jennifer Aniston looks older than Potts...please don't hit me.

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