Sunday, January 15, 2012


Obama is going to try to shrink government by getting rid of redundancies such as the Commerce Department. I'm sure even the least governmentally informed of this country know about Rick Perry's gaffe when he forgot the names of the departments he would end, so now that Obama is going to attempt such a feat, shouldn't he be happy? I haven't heard any replies, except from the collective that is the Republican Party, that says that Obama's only doing it because the Republican's wanted to first (yes, the is of course a stupid reason to do anything...sarcasm). I personally think that this is the best way for Obama to win the re-election--take everything on the Republicans' platforms and attempt to do them. If he can get them completed, then American's will like him. If he can't get them passed, then he proves that they are impossible promises and also makes congress look even more ineffective (if a Democratic President can't get Republican ideas passed in a split congress, then how could a Republican get the same laws passed?). It's a win-win situation.

Sorry for how dippy this sounds--I'm fuzzy headed today--stupid cold. I guess I should go back to melting crayons (got a Crayola Crayon Maker for Christmas)--not too much thinking in that.

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