Monday, January 30, 2012

Pro-Choice TV

You migh have figured out that I enjoy the liberal/conservative debate. I'm watching "Cold Case"--the episode on the death of a teenager the night his girlfriend gave birth and left their daughter in a trash can. I realized that there are at least 2 episodes where abortion was at least a preliminary cause of death for the victim (you know--getting killed for being pro-choice). I'm not sure whether it was actually the pro-lifers that killed the person in either case, but it's still a major point of the show.

It just made me think about other television shows--conservatives like to complain about the liberal agenda and the media. It seems like pro-life is often portrayed in a negative light in these crime dramas. I don't know whether you could choose to show pro-choice in a bad light, though. I mean, it's not like we're naieve about what an abortion entails, and when the nurse went into detail to convince the boyfriend to choose otherwise, it was pretty explicit that it's not a pleasant option. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that you don't see pro-choicers getting portrayed as murderers. I mean, in the most obvious sense: to go out and kill another adult in either hot or cold blood. I don't think that there are any real-life examples either.

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