Friday, December 4, 2009

Fox News as Bad as Liberal Media

Some people say it better than I could. See below.

Please ignore the conservative crack about the candidate Fox News attacked in favor or Dole. I'm NOT that conservative--I believe in a wide world effort, not isolationism--while I can appreciate Ron Paul, I believe that there is a purpose for government in global interactions--since it's obvious that big economic bosses screw up royally more often than not. The purpose of this video is that it is a better description of how I feel about Fox News.

Here's my 2 cents. News is News--not opinion. News is by my definition facts. There is no place to put "spin" or opinion. "8 year old boy is killed by stray bullet at 2am" can't get spun much, except from conjecture that it might be a gang killing (which, since I watch a LOT of "liberal" news, isn't conjecture). Giving a number of dead in Iraq also doesn't involve much spin, except that maybe the "liberal" news will actually give pictures to go along with names and numbers. To not do that is disrespectful to the dead in my opinion.

But I don't get much Fox News. You see, I'm poor. We spend $10 on cable a month and don't get those special channels. The way I look at it, the fact that Fox News loses most of it's potential fanbase because they can't afford to pay for the channel and/or choose not to. People already either love or hate Fox News--they aren't going to make any converts from those who already have access. By being on the expensive cable, they are choosing to limit their "fan base" and therefore, when Bill O'Reilly tells about how Fox News has the highest viewership out of all the news channels, I have to wonder how skewed the numbers are.

Another thing about Fox News is that they aren't much actual news--it's mostly opinion. Like I said, news is news. And Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh AREN'T news. They are commentators, not news casters. Fox News Sunday (which IS shown on the local fox station) isn't news either. It's a roundtable discussion much like "Ask the Press". They even bring in a guy from NPR and other "liberal" sources. They comment on this weeks news. Pointless in my opinion.

Besides. Pro-Life isn't conservative in my opinion because it's having big government dictate the rights of individual women...but that's just me.

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