Friday, July 20, 2012

My Grandmother Makes Me Feel Like the Worst Granddaughter Ever.

Actually, I think I'm a very good granddaughter. The problem is that my grandmother is very independent and I'd feel like a bigger ass if I did more things for her. For instance, I stopped by her house on Tuesday to pick up some tomatoes she'd picked. I visited for awhile and she said she had to take the garbage can to the street. I asked if she wanted help and she politely declined, so I let her do it. She pays me to mow her grass and in the fall, she'll pay me to rake the leaves. This won't stop her from helping by picking up sticks or helping with the leaves. At least she lets me do things like put the shower curtain back up (though I'm 90% sure that she's the one that took it down in the first place to wash it).

She's 80 years old (well, next year she will be) and she drives faster than I do and walks 5 miles a day. I can only hope that I'm as awesome when I get to be her age.

Quick shout-out to her not-quite-so-old neighbor. They walk together, keep tabs on eachother, and take turns bringing back the trash bins.

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