Monday, February 28, 2011

To what extent...

is continuing to get pregnant when you know you'll have a miscarriage abortion? I just watched The Time Traveler's Wife and I wanted to smack the main girl. While I understand that an abhorrent number of pregnancies end in miscarriage, to willingly continue to try to have children is in my mind equivalent to willfully causing the death of that many unborn children. You should know by now that I'm pro-choice yet anti-abortion--so I'm as much against conceiving a child you know will more than likely die before birth as I am for not making it illegal (if that makes sense).

One might argue that in one case God is choosing for the death of the child and in the other man is choosing, but I say that in both cases man is at fault--God did not make man blind to the fact that 100% of the pregnancies are ending pre-maturely--by ignoring the facts you are willfully choosing to kill a fetus.

I'm curious to know the number of God-fearing Christian women who choose some permanent form of contraception because they know that any pregnancy would just result in miscarriage, since most religions are against such things.

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