Monday, February 28, 2011

Judging People

I try really hard not to judge people, but there are a couple things that just can't escape my notice. The first is a guy in a suit who tosses his tie over his shoulder while he eats to keep from spilling something on it. Yeah...sorry bud, but I judge you.

The second is anyone over the age of 25 who doesn't have a clue about what's going on in the world. It's really not hard to watch the 30 minute world news or pick up a newspaper or spend 30 minutes on some news me, no one's life is so busy that they can't spend 30 minutes a day learning about what's going on in the rest of the world. Farmville really isn't that important. This is why anyone who's friends with me on Facebook gets bombarded with links to news articles that I've been reading. I look at it as my little mission in the world to show uninterested young adults that there's more to the world than petty drama.

[End Rant]

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