Saturday, November 13, 2010

I [heart] Confusion

Or is that Confucian? I'll let you decide:

"When the government of a nation has gone astray, Heaven will chastise it through calamities. If storms and floods do not cause the government to mend its ways, Heaven will strike terror in the people's hearts by still greater disasters. Ruin will come at last if these two visitations are not sufficient to check the downward course. With gracious love toward the ruler, the Heavenly Way will make use of these means to prevent the final necessary evil, while the principles of propriety and music are positive means to guiding the people"
--nope, not from some recient Christian group, but from "The Heaven-Appointed Duty of Subjects" by Kumazawa Banzan (1619-1691) Confucian Scholar of sorts who "submitted an opinion to Shogun Tsunayoshi, who ordered his arrest".

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