Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cathy's 2011-12 Political Predictions

I'm actually optimistic about the coming 2 years. And no, I'm don't classify myself as Republican. Here's why:

I'm pretty sure that the Republican's threw away the past 2 years. They did NOTHING that I can see to help Obama make better policy decisions--they threw him and the rest of congress under the bus.

The Democrats aren't Obama's type of people--they also threw him under the bus. They handed him crap and he had to sign it to get anything done.

Now, why do I think both parties tanked? Because the Democrats are a bit too idealistic and a bit too much government for the rest of America. They really should have pulled back on some things and would have had the Republicans actually pulled their weight. But they didn't because they have their head's stuck up their butts too often.

So, now that we have Republican majority in the House I expect better bills to come out. I'm not sure how the numbers work and how much Reps and Dems in the house will have to work together there, but with the Senate still belonging to the Dems, whatever hits the president's desk is going to HAVE to be bi-partisan.

So, we're going to see 1 of 2 things happen:
1) The dems and reps are going to actually work together and the country is going to prosper.
2)They're going to play chicken and see who blinks first and nothing will get accomplished.

In either case, it's going to be a hard sell in 2012 to say that Obama caused the issues, though maybe in the 2nd case I would expect him to get his butt to the Capital Building and show them who's boss.

I'm also extremely giddy to see what happens to the tea party backed candidates. I'm sad that it looks like they all ran as Republicans (I was hoping that they would make my life easy and actually get themselves together to run as a 3rd party)--it's made finding them in the election results difficult. But anyway, I fully expect that somewhere one or more of them is going to wake up one morning about 2 months into their term and wonder how on earth they are going to keep their word on the platforms that they ran on. How many said no to pork barrels? How exactly do they plan to get money to their localities without them?

By the way, I need to look into one candidate labeled "the mom in sneakers" because she's quite proud to be, what?, 9th in pork barreling. I'm glad that she's honest.

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