Thursday, April 4, 2013

Book Trailers

I don't think I've ever seen a book trailer that didn't come across like an SNL spoof of a B-rated movie. Sigh.

Don't worry, I'll attempt to post lots of examples. :-)

I love the Dark-Hunters to death, but the guys...they just look silly in their action packed trailers. Or maybe it's the cheesy voice over with trailer-voice-dude. Ehh...I watched the Retribution trailer a second time w/out sound and it was sort of better.


Inferno's (which I cannot wait to read) trailer doesn't look so bad, but then it's only got like one line of voice-over.

Annnd...Time Untime  goes right back to the cheese-fest. Hmm...though now that I think of it, does perhaps my love of the story decide whether or not I rate the trailer extra-cheesy or not? 'Cuz I didn't like Time Untime nearly as much as I loved Retribution and to me the latter's trailer just made me want to cry.*

So...I guess the ultimate test is to see how bad Acheron's trailer is...Oh ma gad--that actually wasn't too bad. Wish they'd get a new voice-over-dude. It still smells like SNL or CollegeHumor, which pulls all the seriousness out of everything. I mean, satire is serious business, but real seriousness looses it's seriousness when I can't take it seriously because it reminds me of CHEESE!

And last but not least, I guess I should look up the trailer for Styxx since I cannot wait another 5-6 months for the book...and it does not exist yet. Sigh. Hmm...

Anywho. I'm going to look up some more of the book trailers for the dark-hunters for my own personal pleasure. I'll give them a ranking of 1 to 5 with 5 being cheesy enough for a certain mouse with a big head who owns his own chain of pizza parlors. :-)

No Mercy: 3 wedges of cheese

Uhh...this one isn't a trailer...I don't know whether it's fan made or not, actually. While hilarious, as a fan of Bubba, this isn't really the same guy as is in the book.

No cheese here. Ironically.

This next one is from The League series (same author and similar character personalities). Huh...short and sweet limits the room for cheese.

2 wedges of cheese (the voice) for Born of Ice

By the way, gotta give props to Kenyon or whomever for the choice of actor. puts a real face to all the characters of her books and this character's name is Devyn which I can totally buy. He looks like a Devyn, ya know?

Born of Fire (same series as Born of Ice)is up next:

Well--it gains points for being short (like B.o.I.), but loses them (from me) because she shot him at least once in the book.

2 wedges of cheese.

Alright that's enough of those. Plus I ran out of videos available from this author, haha.

*I'd like to go into detail about why I dislike Retribution's trailer so much--it made Sundown look like a freaking gay porno actor :-(. Especially if you know what happened in that car...poor Andy, hahaha.**

**Clarification: read the book. It's really not as bad as I kind of made it sound just now--it's actually a very sweet story which is why I really don't like that trailer.

And finally, before I sign off--I think I finally successfully embedded a video into my post!! Yay! Given that I didn't change anything in my methods, I think that means that google finally figured out their stuff.

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