Monday, March 4, 2013

Sign My Petition

During the 2012 Presidential election I got a lot of propaganda in the mail. Annoyed with it, I wrote corrections all over the stuff, added "return to sender" and sent it back.

Here's the thing. That stuff comes from an anonymous P.O. Box 9 times out of 10, so in order for it to make an impact, a lot of people need to send the stuff back. Then, the owners of the mailbox (either USPS or some mailbox store) can't just ignore it and will have to do something. Think of the impact that all the letters had in Miracle on 34th Street.

It's FREE and takes literally 20 seconds to write "RETURN TO SENDER" on the propaganda (if you have trouble locating a marker, maybe longer). You'd also better mark out the barcode USPS prints under your address or the computer that reads the to-addresses will send it right back to you in a never-ending circle. Then, you don't even have to find a post box since the postman will take outgoing mail left on your mailbox (just use a clothespin or other clip).

Take this link to the petition.

By the way, I like that a petition must get 150 signatures before it reaches the main petitions page--this is a very good way to vet petitions to keep out the bad ones.

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