Friday, November 23, 2012

Why I voted for Romney

Yeah, yeah, yeah...about 3 weeks late, but it's still something I want posted for posterity.

I voted for Romney because it didn't matter whether he was elected or not, Conservatives were screwed. Three (prominent) men ran for election on November 6--Obama, Conservative Romney, and Liberal Romney.

We all know who Obama is, so I won't bother to describe him or why Conservatives would be screwed if he won. I'll let them do that.

Conservative Romney is the one he tried so hard to portray himself as--the one who hates immigrants, Obamacare, taxes, yadda, yadda, yadda. He'd hurt the GOP because he would be unable to work with a Democratic Congress since it would be against all his principles--like a good GOP follower. He'd show the country once and for all that the Conservatives are just as ineffectual as the Democrats.

Liberal Romney is the guy he kept shoving into the trunk of his Cadillac, the man who was Governor of Massachusetts. This would be the same man who promoted and passed the origins of Obamacare and a variety of other liberal agenda issues in the state. He'd be able to work with the Democratic Congress. This would show that Romney not the guy the front men of the party want you to think he is.

So you see, either we'd get Obama, who may or may not be able to work with Congress to get anything done, Conservative Romney and more grid-lock, or Liberal Romney and turn this country around with true bi-partisanship.

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