Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Stossel: "Politically Incorrect?"

I'm confused. Okay, so he wants to discuss free speech. Fine. I agree with his argument, but his headline about a university conservative club that chose to have an "Affirmative Action Bake Sale"....well, that, in my opinion, is a rediculous comparison. I don't see how a bake sale that charges different prices based on race can be used to initiate a discussion on the use of affirmative action for university admissions. It's not like minorities are being charged a cheaper tuition and room and board. It just helps them get in--I'm a poor white kid who gladly used all the financial aid I could get. Was I let in to increase the university's poor population? Maybe. Do I care? Not one bit because I got into the best university in the state of Virginia. I think that there were too many prep school graduates who were admitted because money bought them the perfect application and who are the stereotypical "Animal House" college students. You know the type--binge drinking, excessive hangovers, will be alcoholics by age 30. Yes, they are incredibly smart...I guess...depends on how you measure smartness, but I'm not a fan of alcoholics and people who think you can't party without a "brewskie".

Anyway, end rant. Do I agree with affirmative action? Actually, generally no. Except in the case of wealth. Because I couldn't afford to buy a good education--I (and many friends) excelled in the education we had freely available. I walked into college behind my counterparts in the ability to write the A+ college essay. In my high school (I'll let you judge overall quality) the AP Psychology class was taught by a teacher who gave us open notebook tests and the previous years' AP test scores were all 1s with the occasional 2 (scores range from 1 to 5; you get a 0 if you write nothing but your name).

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