Tuesday, December 14, 2010


http://nation.foxnews.com/obesity/2010/12/13/first-lady-childhood-obesity-national-security-threatI don't normally curse; in fact I never do. But I'm pissed. At FOX News of course. And their loyal readers. I finally have the credible argument I needed to maybe get FOX News to remove their "Fair and Balanced" lie. And what pisses me off is that the "intelligent real Americans" who believe that crap actually DO BELIEVE THAT CRAP! Look, here's the "article". FOX News changed the picture to support their political bias. Why do I know this? Logic:

If they didn't consciously decide to change the picture then there would be no point to changing it. If they did consciously decide, then of course they're going to choose the picture that best supports their message.

And the "loyal Americans" ate it all up--read the comments. Why exactly do schools even bother to teach about Yellow Journalism when half the population won't believe it true from their precious FOX News?

I really shouldn't read FOX News at bed time.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


People say that television is going to the dogs. While I think this is true for American television, British television is hitting it's prime, I think. Or at least British actors are. I've been watching Doctor Who, Primeval, Merlin (and have on my list of shows to watch when I get time: Torchwood and The Sarah-Jane Adventures). It's not just because I happen to love basic science fiction (I dislike shows and books that make up too much stuff--I have enough trouble in science and foreign/ancient history trying to remember what words mean), but it's the actors. Heck, who doesn't love Hugh Laurie--so you know it isn't just the accent.

I personally think that its the difference in expectations of male actors in Britain--it has to be. I mean, you are going to be hard-pressed to find an American male actor who is comfortable enough to really show his emotions and wear his heart on his sleeve. I mean, think about the last time you saw one of your favorite actors cry on screen--did it look fake? I can't remember the last time I watched an actor cry on screen, especially not on television.

Maybe I'm just biased because I've been watching so much British TV lately. Maybe I'm just tired because I had 3 finals in 3 days. Maybe it's because I've never been so excited by a bromance as I have been with watching Prince Arthur, Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table. And then we have Keanu Reeves who has no tear ducts nor muscles in his face.


I never really understood the fascination with raptors before....the dinosaurs, not the birds. Velociraptor to be precise. I watched the 3 Jurassic Park movies and enjoyed their ferociousness, but it never really clicked as to why they were so popular on the internet. Then I started watching the ITV show Primeval and it became obvious--they're pretty wicked smart. I guess I was just too young to fully enjoy their awesomeness when I first watched Jurassic Park. Looks like I'll have to do some re-watching while I'm home for winter break.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Buddhism Sounds Like Protestanism

"The precursor to these reform movements was the monk Genshin (942-1017). His popular work Ojo Yoshu (Essentials of Salvation) depicted the horrors of hell and contrasted them vividly with the bliss of the Western Paradise. To attain rebirth in this paradise, Genshin stressed faith in the efficacy of the original vow of Amida Buddha (Amitabha). This could be manifested in the practice of menbutsu, by reciting the sacred name of Amida Buddha in the formula Namu Amida Butsu (Hail to the Name of Amida Buddha).

By stressing faith and dependence on the power of another (tariki), Genshin brought a totally new conccept to Japanese Buddhism. The sequel to his teaching was to deny, as a means of salvation, dependence on one's own strength (jiriki) as practiced in traditional Buddhism, be it in the form of ascetic observance, in spiritual and metaphysical exercises, or in performing good works. By simplifying the creed, he also opened the gate of paradise to the reach of common men.

The way that was paved by Genshin was brought into fruition by Honen (1133-1212), who became the ffounder of the Pure Land (Jodo) Sect in Japan (around 1175). Honen taught absolute efficacy of nembutsu, and departed in some points from the teachings of Genshin. For example, Genshin maintained that in invoking the sacred name of Buddha, one ought to form a mental image of Amida Buddha, and meditate on it. Honen rejected meditation or complete comprehension as unnecessary.

Shinran (1173-1262) moved Honen's teachings of the absolute efficacy of nembutsu one step further and to its logical conclusion. In traditional Pure Land beliefs, such as those advocated by the Chinese monk Shandao and by Honen, the awakening of faith required diligent observance of prayers to the Three Treasures. Thus there was an an element of acquiring faith by one's own power. To Shinran "faith is a gift freely given" by all Buddhas. He maintained that faith as well as the thought of Amida Buddha was transferred to or conferred upon all sentient beings to ensure the latter's salvation. And since salvation was dependent on the works of Amida Buddha: "If a good man can attain salvation, even more so a wicked man."

From "Japan: A Documentary History" by David Lu.

Wow, didn't know until about 30 seconds ago that there's evidence of early Christianity reaching Japan in around 400 AD. However, given that the widely accepted notion that Christianity didn't arrive until 1549, then you'll be quick to notice the similarities between Christian ideas and a Buddhist ideology that wasn't supposed to know that it existed, especially given that Luther didn't write his 95 Thesis until 1517--well after Shinran said "faith is a gift freely given" by all Buddhas.