Friday, September 3, 2010

Letter to Glenn Beck

was reading up on your 912 project and just about had an annurism from laughing so hard. I want you to think exceptionally broadly (which may or may not be possible) and look VERY closely at something.

"and when we demand that we are self-reliant, we will ensure that others can rely on us, not the government."--from your website
"b : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed"--a definition from Marriam-Webster (I'm going to hold off on what it's a definition of for the time being so as to not throw you off).

So, to what extent do you propose that "others can rely on us, not the government"? Do you include things like, say, housing, jobs, food, etc? Those things that welfare and social security cover? That people can go to their community members and ask for help as they need it? So, if I'm a poor man trying to feed my family, say, with farming, the community will do it's best to help me to become self-sufficient. Would that include giving me land to farm on? When my baby gets sick, the community would do it's best to help her get better--even if that means asking the community doctor to help her free of charge? At what point does community assistance to self-reliance end?

Now, how do my questions relate to that definition? Aren't they mutually compatible--where the "goods owned in common" include what is "owned" by the community members that can be given freely to help the individual become self-sufficient--without the use of the government (I shan't debate the validity of saying (or implying) that there is no government in a community that you describe).

Getting the picture yet? Now....what do you say to the fact that that 2nd definition belongs to communism? Ignore all preconceptions and arguments about it, the society you envision with self-reliance regulated by the community is a communistic society. You don't say that "WE can rely on US", you say "OTHERS can rely on US"--so you agree with me that the only way to fix society is for the community to get off their asses and aid those around them--even if it means giving up the 80 acre PRIVATE PROPERTY compound that houses 4 people in a 4000 sq ft mansion VOLUNTARILY to support the upward mobility of a poor family of 10. That sure as hell isn't capitalism which would ask how much could you sell that property for nor is it socialism in which some arbitrary 3rd party TELLS you to do it.

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